sábado, 7 de septiembre de 2013

Earn Money With Adfly

Earn Money ¡

How to make money from Facebook with adflyLabels: Adfly, Facebook, Guide, Social

Everyone is concern about facebook blocking adfly links , well there is always a way to make the money from facebook you just have to follow my instructions. I am going to give you a trick that did work for me. This is a new 2013 trick! 

Url2it  copy link the adfly and click in make and ready

First of all you will need a facebook account with more than 250 friends - Register HERE
if you have less then i don't think you will see a result with this and you should move forward to make money with twitter and adfly or make money with pinterest and adfly! 

NOTE: When linking, try not to use the default adfly URL, be different and less recognizable, use one of their other redirect options
VERY IMPORTANT: That is the beauty of Adfly. You can actually make money ethically!
Take advantage of it.
If you haven’t yet, sign up to Adf.ly HERE!!!